The Scariest Wildlife: Ticks and Mozzies!
Which wildlife are you most afraid of when you go hiking or backpacking in the mountains? Many would say “bears,” “mountain lions,” or “hogs”. Not me. As a wilderness guide for over a decade, I’m most afraid of ticks. Tick-borne diseases such as Lyme are no joke. I’ve lost dear friends who suffered the longest (over a decade of actively dying) and most painful, most debilitating deaths due to tick-borne disease and its associated complications.
The good news: tick-borne illnesses are highly preventable and treatable when dealt with swiftly. Bonus is that the prevention techniques for tick bites double as prevention techniques for mosquito bites. Here’s what worked for me and my students for over a decade adventuring in the wilderness:
In sum:
Treat your base layers of clothing with insecticide. Pick something made for clothes and not for skin.
Carry Deet or Picaridin. These two repellants can be used on exposed skin. Remember that they are chemicals, so read the instructions on their packages beforehand.
When you can, wear long-sleeved clothing. And, if need be, wear a head net.
ALWAYS check yourself for ticks during and after the trip. If you feel like you can’t see all parts of your body (if I don’t have a mirror, I can’t see my back!) make sure to have a friend/partner help spot check you.
Here’s more info on tick-borne diseases, including prevention and treatment guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.