It’s time we heal our healers
Mini outdoor retreats designed to help SF Bay Area healthcare workers feel seen, loved, rested, and rejuvenated.
Mini outdoor retreats designed to help SF Bay Area healthcare workers feel seen, loved, rested, and rejuvenated.
We’ve designed two types of retreats to meet our participants’ interests and preferences.
To help everyone feels safe, seen, and engaged, all retreats will be conducted in small groups (<10 people total).
Take place in a Bay Area park or nearby green space
Half day
Mild-moderate day hike on well-marked trails
Socially-distanced group activities
Stress-reduction skill building
No experience required
Training over Zoom / in Berkeley + complimentary wilderness trip (Sierra mountains, Big Sur)
Backpacking training workshops: skills and community for a lifetime
Complimentary 2.5-day trip or 3.5-day retreat
Minimalist backpacking and camping (most equipment provided)
Socially-distanced group activities and wilderness training
Gear discounts and pro-deals
Helpful to come with some outdoor experience
Our intention is for healthcare employers and the community they support to sponsor 100% of the cost of the retreats.
Healthcare worker participants: please ask your administrators to contact Duncan at to have your retreat sponsored.
Heal Our Healers retreats welcome healthcare workers who have partaken in caring directly or indirectly for members of society during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participation at each retreat will be capped at 8 in order to facilitate meaningful interactions. Priority consideration will be given to people who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC).