
Carry less, Capture more


Smart + Light Backpacking Courses

For Photographers and Storytellers


“Amazing! I learned to backpack so light,
I no longer have to stress over which lens to pack!”

- Ian J. Bay Area photographer. 2017 course graduate


What’s in it for you?

  1. Capture Unseen Nature: We travel to scenic and inspiring places in the wilderness that few have the ability to reach. Be the first.

  2. Travel Smarter, Lighter, Happier: World-class minimalist backpacking course that teaches you how to travel with just the bare necessities.. Our philosophy: “No pain, no pain!”

  3. Free Gear Library (and Exclusive Discounts): Don’t have outdoor gear? Borrow award-winning outdoor gear from our sponsored library.  Want outdoor gear? Take advantage of our partnerships with leading brands.

  4. Grow Your Network with Genuine Relationships: Meet other rising-star creatives and storytellers in an environment built to foster real relationships that last.

  5. 100% of Profits Towards Environmental and Social Causes: After operating costs, your contribution is given in full to support wilderness conservation, education, and social betterment.


What’s Off Trail On Track?

A community of outdoor-loving people who use minimalist backpacking to empower voices, build networks, and support conservation.

Over the past 6 years, hundreds of our students – from beginners to outdoor professionals, photographers to writers, yogis to business executives, park rangers to scout masters – have taken our courses to enhance their outdoor experience and practice a new mindset of simplicity.

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Why are we doing this?

Fulfillment, not profit. The goal of Off Trail on Track is twofold:

  1. To help humans reconnect with themselves, each other, and nature in a holistic way.

  2. Immersing oneself in the wilderness is an invaluable experience that should be available to all people regardless of socioeconomic, ethnic, or ideological backgrounds.


We donate 100% of our profits to support
Environmental and Social Causes.

Our Photographers and Storytellers courses run on a $250-600 sliding scale (give what you can). After operating costs, your contribution is given in full to support wilderness conservation, education, and social betterment.

We believe that giving back is an integral part of the transformative journey of minimalism, that it has the potential to educate and inspire more people, and that it helps protect the environment for future enjoyment.


What’s next?

Our work has just begun.

We are starting a movement that we hope will help us all reflect deeply about what really brings us fulfillment. We want people to consider how they might create space for each other and nature.

We are constantly evolving as we learn and grow - and we invite you to be a part of that change.


What are we asking for?

In short: Show up ready to learn, share your trip story, and make a donation.

We want to facilitate your ability to drive meaningful impact and make the world a better place. As a storyteller, you have the unique talents and opportunity to inspire your audience to care for the environment and our communities.

After your trip, we ask that you share your experience with your fans. They’ll love learning about how your experience changed you and how you helped change the world!

(18 spots left)

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